After countless hours of sleepless nights, I finally got it going! Smoothed network physics simulation will little noticeable jerks. Yay! However, this is only for the LAN. I'm not sure how it will fare with the internet where latency isn't our best friend.

It took me a while to figure out that I had to synchronize the physics time frame and not the system time frame. Top that off with bad timing for the network syncing right after physics simulation was done, I was having a lot of headache beating around the bush for naught! Sheesh...

Aside from this, I'm having issues with float compression. Somehow it's giving weird values that leaps all over. Probably something wrong with the way I compress and decompress. While on this, I wonder if I should have some way to mark significant objects for non compression mode? How does other games normally does it anyways? Do they like make important objects like controlling player to always sent in non compressed mode while other non controlling objects get compressed mode?
Posted by Lf3T-Hn4D

Posted by Prometheus
Started working on some sunken ships which players can view along the tracks.

Posted by Prometheus
Finally something worth blogging. I've got the game networking with input syncing working like a charm. Yahoo! Looks like my action system is doing a fine job. :)

Right now I've all client players sit as observers on the server's craft. While the server is controlling, the clients get the input as well. However, since I've yet to do any entity syncing, the craft on the client screens start to steer off into parallel dimensions. lol.

Either way, it's nice to see that my hard sweat Action system is working like a charm. Very excited now. :P Entity syncing here I come!

P.S. Sorry, no pics for networking. I can't think of any creative way to represent them with pics anyways.
Posted by Lf3T-Hn4D
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