Here's a Blender3D render on a partially textured ship interior. Will be adding additional detail using detail maps once in game to enhance the details.

Posted by Prometheus
[begin rant]
Man, this sucks. Just as I was getting into more fun, VC hits the brick with our core framework static lib hitting the roof for file size. It's now at 600++mb O_O. Really sad... I couldn't link the editor with it anymore.

Guess I have to turn it into a standalone dll. Hope this will solve the issue. Woo hoo.. more dlls! Sheesh...
[end rant]

About what I'm working on, I'm building a track system to define what's an inside of a track and what's out. This system will be able to help detect when a craft falls out of the track and be re-spawned properly back in the track. It also will serve as checkpoint system. Two birds with one stone. v^_^v
Posted by Lf3T-Hn4D
more shots of the low poly ship interior track before I start working on the high poly version.

Posted by Prometheus
Started modelling on a racing track through a massive sunken ship interior where players get to navigate through the ship's massive malfunctioned engines.

Posted by Prometheus
Posted by Prometheus
I've finally fixed the problem with my float compression. Just to note, the compression technique is following the IEEE standard somewhat. I forgot to deal with normalized values (-127 exponent) which made the compressor generate garbage.

If anybody is interested on how I compress, just have a look at how halffloat(16bit float) is stored. I'm pretty much using similar technique. Basically discarding some precision on the fractions and shifting exponent bias for more floating point precision at smaller values. (Note that I'm making it very specialized for delta type compression; meaning the closer the value is to zero, the more precise, the bigger the value, less precise.)

Aside from this, I found out that the compression worked really well even for important objects like player controlled entities and camera. Thanks to Glenn's article describing exponential smoothing, as long as I don't snap when compared values are very close, things worked very smoothly.

I'm very happy with the result thus far :) Next up is actual multiplayer race! Woo hoo!
Posted by Lf3T-Hn4D
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